Sunday, 5 June 2011

Going too slow.

Well it's all going way too slow at the moment. I'm counting down the days when I'm not sat in my bedroom on my own all weekend. I find it quite weird though that if I were here on my own and had free range of the house I wouldn't feel so sad. But I'm trying to push through and not moan about it too much.

The end of half term is upon us and back to work tomorrow :-) I have enjoyed the holidays til well about Thursday. Spent the first 5 days catching up with friends and getting to know some new ones. Also got to spend the day with Charlie, he's growing so fast and now starting to speak, of course you cannot tell what he is saying lol but it's the cutest thing when he tries to copy what you say. 

Managed to make a start getting a few bits and pieces ready to start moving into my own place, I've still got 2 months at least and haven't even found anywhere yet but wanted to make a start and keep an eye for some good bargains :-) It's all too exciting. Spent some time listing my worldly goods on ebay to try and make a few quid, I'm hoping that and a few extra paid hours at work will fund any fees or deposits I need to make in the near future.

I'm also thinking of a dear family member who is unwell at the moment, (this is where I get all god like lol damn brainwashing lol ) keeping him in my thoughts and prayers that everything is ok for him. 

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